Now think of similar, difficult situations for your classmates to practise. Workplace Negotiation Role-plays & Discussion Expressions (ESL) Sample Workers’ Rights Role-plays Role-play #1 Employee You have recently been hired as a security guard. When you were hired, you were offered an hourly wage of $10. You accepted this because you needed the money. However, recently you have learned that this is below the minimum wage. Discuss this issue with your boss. Boss You run a security company. An employee of yours has asked to speak with you. The employee is a newcomer to Canada; you hired him/her recently even though s/he was inexperienced. Role-play #2 Employee You work at a bank. When you started working there, you worked the standard 40 hours a week. However, the boss has been slowly giving you more and more work. As a result, you’ve been doing more and m...