Los malos tratos para, detectarlos Los buenos tratos Violencia hacia las adolescentes Las reglas del juego ¿Canciones sanas? Escucha con atención ¿Qué da a entender esta canción? ¿Qué crítica puedes hacer? ¿Cómo enfocas tú estas situaciones? ¿Qué mensajes parecidos has recibido últimamente en otras canciones, películas? ¿Cómo actúas tú o vas a actuar en el futuro al respecto?
El feminismo no es lucha de sexos, y aquí tenemos otra prueba. Es para todo el mundo Comic: hombres feministas A public feminist man that can be a model for men all over the world.
Watch this video and also look at the photos and read the information below (on the same site) Also: http://www.mygamemyname.com/en Describe the videos and the situation, incuding your opinion and your impressions. You can choose between a text and an audio. Have a good day!
Please, send me an e-mail when you are ready for the SPEAKING TEST I will send you a link you will have to click on, from 11 a.m. onwards (we have a meeting at 10 a.m. Remember the audios you have sent to me these months are the most important for your speaking mark. Thank you!!! :)))
SORRY, BY MADONNA THESE ARE THE WORDS YOU HAVE TO USE TO FILL IN THE GAPS. Explain Too far Forgive me Know You'd like to be You're sorry 1- LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE 2- CLICK HERE TO SEE AND COPY THE LYRICS WITH GAPS TO FILL IN 3- CLICK HERE TO CHECK 4-Write six conditional sentences (use the three types you know) related to the song. 5-AFTER THAT, LEARN THE SONG!!! RECORD IT AND SEND IT TO ME!!! HAVE A LOT OF FUN!!
1-Watch this video 2-After that, do this exercise 3-Write 4 examples, 4 of defining relative clauses, and 4 of non-defining relative clauses. 4-Play this wonderful game to practise with conditonal sentences. 5-Write 5 of the examples that have appeared.
SPEAKING TEST FOR ALL STUDENTS, WEDNESDAY 27th, THURSDAY 28th Procedure: From 10 to 13:30, aproximately, you will be sent a link to join a conversation with me. Be patient. I will share a document with you in which you will see the photos and the speaking tasks. In the meantime, watch this video to get advice on how to remember vocabulary. This one-a bit basic- about questions that you may be asked one day , at an interview. Also, you can go on reading, since you will have to send me new comments on Friday!!
You may have already seen this, but just in case you haven't: Watch this very useful video on how to describe a photo. It will help you do tasks to come :)) READ THE ADVICE TOO (the text below the video)
TASKS FOR ESO 3 1-VOCABULARY. Do this interactive worksheet and send me the results per e-mail (the site offers this possibility) Tell me which new words you have learnt. 2-READING AND WRITING. Do the reading comprehension activities in your Student book, pages 116 and 117: 2, 3 and 4. IMPORTANT: WRITE FULL SENTENCES-not just words. USE YOUR OWN WORDS TO ANSWER TASKS FOR BACH. 1 1-READING COMPREHENSION : Do you know what FOMO is? Read the text and do the activities -send me your results and comments. 2-WRITING -related to the previous task: Write a ten to ninteen-line text answering the following questions: What did you learn through this article? How would you help somebody who is suffering from this? Describe your relationship with new technologies and social neteworking sites. Remember: make the text as personal as possible.
Dear students, These are the tasks that you will have to submit next Monday or Tuesday: Play this game on relative pronouns!!! This is a good site to play and review perfect modal verbs All the activities are from your WORKBOOKS VOCABULARY: Workbook, page 60, exercises 1 and 2 Workbook, page 61, exercise 5 CREATIVE GRAMMAR: Workbook, page 63, exercise 10 You will need to use: relative clauses (with where, who, when, etc), verb forms and something else to complete the sentence, reported speech, etc
Dear students of ESO 3 and those of BACHILLERATO who need to review the passive voice: 1-First of all, remember how to use the passive voice through this video 2-After that, remember how to use the future forms: Watch this video, too 3-To see how to use the future passive in particular, watch this video with attention, please. Dear students of ESO 3 and those of BACHILLERATO who need to review basic aspects of reported speech: Play this game , which is fun and easy TASKS FOR ESO STUDENTS: In your workbooks , do the following exercises: Page 66, exercise 1 Page 70, exercise 4 Page 72, exercise 2
Dear students, TOMORROW, FRIDAY 22nd MAY you will have to submit a ten-line (approximately) PERSONAL COMMENT on the next two chapters of the book you are reading. Remember DON'T WRITE A SUMMARY, PLEASE: WRITE A PERSONAL COMMENT. Include observations on the characters, the actions, the style and also predictions in connection with the story. This text will be part of both your writing and your compulsory reading marks (2 points ) Enjoy yourselves! :) ALSO, PREPARE YOURSELF FOR A SPEAKING TEST IF YOU DIDN'T TALK TO ME ON THE PHONE. THEY WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT WEEK THE AUDIOS YOU ARE SENDING ME ARE ALSO PART OF YOUR SPEAKING MARK ( 1 POINT )
On Thursday you won't have a specific task, apart from reading chapters 7 and 8 of the book to send me the next comment. You can catch up and do tasks you haven't been able to do (only the ones between Friday 15th and Wednesday 20th) You can write to me and ask me whatever you need to know about grammar, vocabulary, or anything related to English-or life ;). I will phone you or chat with you if you need personal explanations or simply want to speak English. Next week there will be another speaking test for those I couldn't contact last month.
OBLIGATORY FOR BACH. 1, VOLUNTARY FOR ESO 3: LISTENING AND CULTURE (Bernadette's) Please, send me the task-do not send it to Bernadette OTHER LISTENING TASKS: BACH 1: Student book, page 96, exercises 4 to 7. Here are the audios: Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 ESO 3: Student book, page 115, exercises 5 and 6. Click here to listen to the recording Also, revision of vocabulary through listening. Do this educational task about environmental problems. THURSDAY WILL BE DEVOTED TO ASKING QUESTIONS OR SPEAKING PERSONALLY, SO TAKE YOUR TIME!!!!
Dear students, NEXT FRIDAY 22nd MAY you will have to submit a ten-line (approximately) PERSONAL COMMENT on the next two chapters of the book you are reading. Remember DON'T WRITE A SUMMARY, PLEASE: WRITE A PERSONAL COMMENT. Include observations on the characters, the actions, the style and also predictions in connection with the story. This text will be part of both your writing and your compulsory reading marks Enjoy yourselves! :)
BACHILLERATO 1. VOCABULARY REVIEW 1-Here you will find some fun activities to review word formation. 2-This is an online test to review and learn phrasal verbs with get 3- This one is also very useful. Different meanings of the word "like". Basic and necessary review. Please, do the tasks and send me photos, things you have learnt, what was new for you, comments, examples... Most of all, enjoy the activity!!! ESO 3. VOCABULARY UNIT 9 Please, do the tasks and s end me photos, things you have learnt, what was new for you, comments, examples... 1-Check how much you remember about parts of the body here . 2-Animal body parts. Do this online task and then this one. 3-Do this task: Student book, page 114, Vocabulary A exercise. ALSO, FOR EVERYONE, VISIT THIS RECOMMENDABLE SITE AND THIS ONE , TOO ENJOY YOURSELVES!!!
Dear students of Bachillerato 1, On Monday, do the follwoing activities in your STUDENT BOOK: Page 94, exercises 2, 3 and 4. PLEASE, WRITE FULL SENTENCES Have a nice weekend!!!
Dear students of ESO 3, On Monday, you will have to do, record and send me in an mp3 document the following activities in the STUDENT BOOK: On page 105, exercise 12: explaining words. On page 113, exercise 2 In both activities, you will have to pretend that you are two different people. It will be fun!!!
This is a wonderful site where you can choose which skill you need to improve-it is usually writing-and use the resources available. Spend at least 20 minutes practising and send me an e-mail saying what you have learnt.
Here is the test . PLEASE DO IT WITH ATTENTION AND DON'T EXCHANGE MESSAGES WITH ANYONE. IT COULD BE WORSE FOR YOU. YOU WILL NEED YOUR WORKBOOK Those who did yesterday's homework, have already read the text. If you have no workbook, click here to see a photo of the text The writing must be a VERY PERSONAL TEXT. Es importante recordar al alumnado y sus familias que solo se tendrá en cuenta la nota a quienes están haciendo las tareas diariamente y que éstas forman también parte de la nota de cada sección, tal y como se dijo en la programación que compartí aquí.
Dear students, The task for May 14th, Thursday, will be as follows: SPEAKING. Workbook, page 109 Record all the speaking activities -try to improvise- and, please-and send me the audio. Remember your speaking mark will be based on these audio files you are sending me (1 point) Thank you!
Here is the link where you will find the test. Remember to do it on your own, with no help. YOU WILL NEED YOUR WORKBOOK Also, write a personal and clear text. Use your knowledge and ideas. Do not copy or use translators. Make the text understandable and show you have done your best. That's all!! ! REMEMBER TO SEND IT TO ME BEFORE 12!! Also, REMEMBER THAT ALL THE TASKS YOU ARE DOING ONLINE WILL COUNT FOR YOUR MARK THIS TERM. BE CONSTANT. Enjoy the test!!!!
Dear students of ESO 3: I remind you that you will have to do a READING AND WRITING test on May 14th, Thursday. To do this test, you will need your workbook. TODAY, 13TH MAY, you have to do the following activities WORKBOOK: Page 65, exercises 1, 2 and 3. Page 67, exercise 1 Page 69, exercise 2 THEY WILL HELP YOU PREPARE FOR YOUR TEST.
Dear students, Tomorrow you will have to submit a Reading and Writing test. It will be published at 10:00 a.m. and you will have two hours to do it. Send me the complete exam before 12:00. Remember, all the activities you are doing, not just the test, are part of your mark this term. :)))
Dear students: Please, after reading chapters 5 and 6 of the book (The Gey Owl, The Woman in White, Gandhi or Tales of the Arabian nights) send me the PERSONAL COMMENT on those chapters. You can comment on: The characters' actions. Why did they do them? What you like or dislike about what you have read. Make predictions: what do you think will happen next? Please, do not write more than 15 lines. Remember these activities will be 1 point (10%): "compulsory reading" To get that point you simply need to do all the tasks related to the book I am asking you to do. ENJOY YOUR READING!!!
Dear students, due to the restrictions on the time people of our ages can spend outdoors, and other needs that have been expressed to me, some changes have been made: YOU WILL HAVE TWO HOURS TO DO IT: FROM 10:00 TO 12:00 Keep on practising!!! READING AND WRITING TESTS. BACH 1: 20 POINTS MAY, 13tH, WEDNESDAY ESO 3: 17,5 POINTS MAY, 14th, THURSDAY
● Todos los materiales que el alumnado entregue a través de estos medios son susceptibles de evaluación, en la misma manera en que lo serían en la actividad docente presencial. Mientras dure el periodo de enseñanza no presencial, y con el fin de evaluar al alumnado a final de trimestre, se tendrá en cuenta tanto el trabajo diario del alumno (entrega de ejercicios completos y dentro de plazo), como las pruebas objetivas calificadas con nota numérica. Deberán evaluarse todas las destrezas, según programación. La realización de dichas pruebas objetivas estará condicionada a que el alumno haya entregado los trabajos diarios solicitados por cada profesora.
Dear students, on this great Monday we will do these activities: Student book Page 92, prefixes + exercisese 4 and 5. Page 93, exercises 1 and 2 (this one is a listening task) Remember: tomorrow you have to submit your personal comment on chapters 5 and 6 of the book you are reading!
Dear students, On Monday, this is what we will do: Student Book, p102, exercises 4 and 5 (listening) Click here for the recording Also, page 103, exercise 6-grammar. Lee el cuadro de arriba antes de hacer la actividad y fíjate en la estructura de la voz pasiva: Subject (no realiza la acción) + to be (conjugado-am/is/are/was/were, etc) + PAST PARTICIPLE of the main verb (action verb) in the sentence. Remember: tomorrow you have to submit your personal comment on chapters 5 and 6 of the book you are reading!
ESO 3: Follow this presentation with attention and send me a personal text including the following: -What you found surprising and even shocking about the facts. -Things you have learnt. -Action you can take to change some of the facts presented. BACH 1: Follow this presentation with attention and send me a personal text including the following: -Something you agree with and something you disagree with (if anything) -Why is this food for thought ? -Make predictions about how future generations will live their relationship with technology and human beings. -Add other ideas that you have related to this topic.
Man in the mirror . Great message and very moving song!!! Remember learning songs by heart is a very effective and amusing way of learning English This song makes my hair stand on end!!!!!
Dear students: Please, read chapters 5 and 6 of the book (The Gey Owl, The Woman in White, Gandhi or Tales of the Arabian nights) and a write a PERSONAL COMMENT on those chapters. You can comment on: The characters' actions. Why did they do it? What you like or dislike about what you have read. Make predictions: what do you think will happen next? Please, do not write more than 15 lines. Remember these activities will be 1 point (10%): "compulsory reading"
Dear students, The conversation assistants want exchange e-mail messages with you. They will give me feedback on your converstions and efforts, that will be part of your culture mark (1 point) 3 ESO: E-MAIL ACCOUNT TO WRITE: cathyuphil@gmail.com (Cathy) 1 BACH: E-MAIL ACCOUNT TO WRITE: teachermaggie20@gmail.com (Maggie)
3 ESO Click h ere, do all the preparation before listening and check your understanding exercises after listening and send me a photo of the results. After that, please, send me a recording with your voice speaking about people who are important for you and why they are important. 1 BACH Click h ere, do all the preparation before listening and check your understanding exercises after listening and send me a photo of the results After that, please, send me a recording with your voice giving advice on how to improve a skill that you consider important.
Keep calm and do this test . Copy the document and send it to me. Do not forget to write your name and surname. REMEMBER: YOU MUST SEND THIS TEST DONE BEFORE 11:0O A.M TODAY. IMPORTANTE: EL EXAMEN NO SE PODRÁ ACEPTAR DESPUÉS DE LAS 11 DE HOY
Good morning!!! Keep calm! The test is very, very easy Copy the contents of this document and send me the exam when you have done it. REMEMBER THERE IS A DEADLINE: TODAY AT 11:00 A.M. YOU HAVE PLENTY OF TIME!!!
Click here and correct only sentences number 1, 2, 3, 7, 13, 16, 18, 24, 26 Click here and correct only sentences number 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 19. More reported speech error correction practice for everybody here !! ESO 3: Do Student Book page 87, exercise 1. Workbook, page 58, exercise 5 BACH. 1: Do Workbook: page 47, exercise 6 and page 55, exercise 5
NEXT TEST: TUESDAY 5th MAY GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 10 POINTS ATENCIÓN: EL EXAMEN SE PUBLICARÁ A LAS 9:00 Y ES OBLIGATORIO ENVIAR LAS RESPUESTAS ANTES DE LAS 11. CONTENTS FOR BOTH ESO 3 AND BACHILLERATO: ALL GRAMMAR. To revise, go to this post and the recommended links again. It will be tested through ERROR CORRECTION. VOCABULARY UNIT 7. It will be tested through creative use of words or expressions. ESO 3. REVIEW VOCABULARY WITH THESE EXERCISES: Student Book: p 90, exercises 2 and 3. p 94, exercise 3. Workbook: p 60, 1,2 and 3 p 62, 1, 2 and 3 BACHIILERATO 1. REVIEW VOCABULARY WITH THESE EXERCISES: Student Book: p 80, exercise1 p 84, exercises 1 and 2 Workbook: p.52, 1 and 2 p.56, 1, 2 and 3
Estimado alumnado y estimadas familias, Estoy intentando enviar por Robles el documento con los criterios de evaluación y calificación del tercer trimestre que se han acordado y da error. Si hacéis click en este enlace , podréis leer esos criterios. Los de calificación están al final del documento. Saludos y gracias.
Dear students, 1-I am sure you have already written a ten-line comment on chapters 3 and 4 of the book you are reading. If you haven't, you can give it to me next week, after the test. 2-This is TASK 2 for today.You will use your Student Books and send me either a digital document or a clear photo- BACHILLERATO 1.: Student Book: Page 87, exercises 7, 8 and 9 (expressions to improve your writing skills and results) . Page 88, exercise 2 (review) ESO 3: Student Book: Page 96, exercise 2 (connectors) It starts like this "match the sentences..." Page 97, exercise 5 (review)
On 29th April - Review all the grammar and vocabulary contents before the exam we will have next week and ask me what you need to ask (see what was published on Monday) More practise for Bachillerato here (relative clauses) and here (causative "have") -On April 29th or 30th , you will have to send me a TEN-LINE COMMENT (not a summary) of the BOOK you are reading-CHAPTERS 3 and 4. I recommend you to start today. The comment can include: What you like or dislike about the chapters Your opinion about the character(s) Do you identify with her/him/them? Do you think the story is realistic? Why/why not? What do you think about the way these chapters were written? Have you learnt anything from them?
Dear students of ESO 3 and Bachillerato 1 Step 1 (very basic) Watch This very basic video to review all changes in verb tenses in reported speech step by step Step 2: See this presentation on q uestions and requests in reported speech Step 3: Practise here - Review all the grammar and vocabulary contents before the exam we will have next week and ask me what you need to ask (see what was published yesterday) I also recommend you to take a look at this site
YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE! Remember there are tasks to do EVERY DAY. You must do and send me each task on the same or de following day. NEXT TEST: TUESDAY 5th MAY GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 10 POINTS CONTENTS FOR BOTH ESO 3 AND BACHILLERATO: ALL GRAMMAR. To revise, go to this post and the recommended links again. It will be tested through ERROR CORRECTION. VOCABULARY UNIT 7. It will be tested through creative use of words or expressions. ESO 3. REVIEW VOCABULARY WITH THESE EXERCISES: Student Book: p 90, exercises 2 and 3. p 94, exercise 3. Workbook: p 60, 1,2 and 3 p 62, 1, 2 and 3 BACHIILERATO 1. REVIEW VOCABULARY WITH THESE EXERCISES: Student Book: p 80, exercise1 p 84, exercises 1 and 2 Workbook: p.52, 1 and 2 p.56, 1, 2 and 3 This test will have to be done and sent on the very same day it will be published. (TUESDAY 5th MAY)
Dear students, These are your tasks for now: ESO 3. Very easy grammar task. 1-Watch this video with dialogues from different series and copy on a document the examples you find of noun or pronoun + verb to be + past participle. The first one is WE WERE ATTACKED. Also, read the explanations that appear in the video with attention. 2-After that watch this presentation and do the exercises you will find in it: 3-Have fun with this GAME BACH 1. Revision and Speaking. 1-I strongly recommend you to do the tasks in ESO 3 for revision of the passive voice. 2-Record, individually or in pairs (phone dialogue) the tasks on: workbook page 104 . Speaking practice communication. Record ONLY the DIALOGUE section, please.
Para los alumnos que accedan a las lecturas por el móvil, pueden leerlas siguiendo uno de estos "trucos": 1. Ir al menú de arriba a la izquierda (son tres puntitos verticales) y seleccionar "Ver como en ordenador". 2. Entrar por este enlace: https://app.burlingtonenglish. com/readers
Dear students, These are your tasks for today. BACH. 1 Do the exercises on page 56 of your workbooks. Also, Record the speaking activity and send me your voice in an mp3, please. ESO 3 Do these exercises: Workbook, page 62, 1, 2 and 3 Workbook, page 63, exercise 8. Record this speaking activity and send me your voice in an mp3, please. ATENCIÓN: si prefieres mandar una foto del workbook en lugar de escribir en un documento, tienen que verse bien los ejercicios. Cuando te mande las soluciones, tendrás que corregirlo y volver a mandarme la foto con el ejercicio corregido. Thank you!!!
TODAY: SEND ME A TEN-LINE COMMENT ON CHAPTERS 1 AND 2 OF THE BOOK YOU ARE READING IN ENGLISH Dear students, Those who are reading the obligatory books mentioned in previous posts, please go on reading them. You will be tested on them. ESO 3: The Grey Owl . Burlington books. BACH 1: The Woman in White . Burlington books. For those who haven't had access to those books, you have the alternatives below. ESO 3: TALES OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. BACH 1: GANDHI Estos son solo para las personas que no han podido adquirir los libros que en un principio se ha pedido leer. ¿Cómo acceder a las versiones digitales gratis? https://app.burlingtonenglish.com/register Y darle a new user , meter el código: BBFREE-SP HOPEFULLY, IT WILL WORK!!! Take a look at this, too, if you feel like it: https://www.worldbookday.com
ESO 3 Reported speech. 1-Read everything here with attention. You should also take another look at the presentation posted last Friday. 2-Do the activity here
Dear students, Today you will have to do a listening activity. This one will have a mark I will give you your mark when I see your exercise. On Thursday, I will post the key on this blog. Thank you!! BACH 1 You will find the first part ot the recording here The second part of the recording is here The exercises are here ESO 3 The recording you have to listen to is here The activity you have to do is here Enjoy yourselves!!!!!!
Bach. 1 Used to, be used to, get used to This is also part of the Grammar contents of this term. DO ALL THE TESTS, NOT JUST THE ONE THAT APPEARS ON THE SCREEN Please, take a look at the r evised version of the summary I published on April 2nd. ESO 3 Watch this video first Do the acitivties here: Reported speech.
Hi!! Next Monday we will do some speaking. Send me an e-mail with your number or home number and I will phone you! From 8: 30 to 12: 30 I recommend you to review the functional language sections and the speaking activities in all the units-it will only take you 30 minutes. Topics. ESO 3: -Hobbies. -Past experience -Plans -Advice Topics. BACH 1: -Your opinion on different issues. -Descriptions. -Agreeing and disagreeing -Reaching a decision.
Today, April 16th: World Voice Day Listen to this and do as the voice is asking you to. Another possibility, if you don't want to sing: tell me why your voice is important: At a job interview When expressing yourself in public Please, record your voice and send me the audio.
Dear students, Today we are going to do some activities in the Students Book . -Page 92, all the exercises. -Page 93, exercise 5 ("over to you") Have a nice day!!!
Listen to UNDER PRESSURE You can talk to me and tell me, with an audio or text: What is the song about? What sort of inspiration can you find in it? What is the main message in the song? When do you feel under pressure and what do you do about it?
Hello, everybody!!! This is your task for now: ESO 3 1-Go through this presentation Please, write to me if there is something you cannot understand and you cannot find on the Internet. 2-Send me an mp3 with your voice giving advice about food and health. Use modal verbs: should/ must/ needn't Example: You must wash your hands before you start to cook. BACH 1 1-Go through this presentation . 2-Send me an mp3 with your voice including this: -What you have learnt or what has surprised you-if anything. - An explanation of how important mental health is and advice on how to take care of it, especially in difficult situations.
Since some people haven't been able to buy or borrow the abridged novels of this term, the test will be put off, for now. Those who are already reading these novels are up to date and it will save them work when we are back! ESO 3: The Grey Owl . Burlington books. BACH 1: The Woman in White . Burlington books. Dadas las dificultades para adquirir los libros de lectura obligatoria, se aplaza la fecha del examen por el momento. Quien lo tenga y lo esté leyendo, ya tiene trabajo adelantado para la vuelta. Cheers!!!
Dear students, I am happy to say hallo to you again. I hope you are fine! These days I have been working out at home: dancing, jumping, doing yoga and also riding my exercise bike. I have sung while playing music and also taken some time to read and study. Althoug I don't usually talk a lot on the phone, I am doing it these days, since it is impossible to meet friends, who I miss a lot. Most of all, I keep in touch with my mother, who is quite old and is having a hard time, because she loves walking on the street and she became a widow (after sixty years of marriage) only a year and a half ago. To finish with, I would like to tell you that I am looking forward to seeing your faces and hearing your youthful voices again. I am also looking forward to being allowed to walk, run and fool around outdoors and enjoy the now exuberant green areas around here in total freedom. Please, SEND ME AN E-MAIL saying how you feel and what you miss, what you would like to do once this is...
These are the contents you have to be familiar with so far. Estos son los contenidos en los que, por ahora, hay que estar más o menos puest@: ESO 3 Grammar functions: Habits-present simple. Temporary activities-present continuous. Past experience.past simple, past continuous, present perfect. Future (plans, predictions, decisions)-going to, will, present continuous. Conditional sentences. Modal verbs. Infintives and gerunds NEW unit 6. Reported speech (we have only seen an introduction) you can find help here Recommended site for grammar revision here Vocabulary: Unit 6 (food, meals, etc) Unit 7, p 56 workbook. BACH 1 Grammar functions: All tenses: present, past and future. look at this site to remember use and structure Simple modals and perfect modals Conditional sentences The passive voice Practice here Reported speech. Y ou can find basic help here . Other verbs used in reporting practice her...
Para el alumnado de 3º de la ESO que se haya quedado atrás por razones justificadas y no haya podido hacer las actividades: PINCHA Aquí: puedes encontrar una selección que tienes tiempo de hacer estos días. IMPORTANTE: POR FAVOR, ESCRIBID LOS EJERCICIOS EN EL ORDENADOR, NO EN PAPEL. NO PUEDO HACER NADA CON FOTOS DE DOCUMENTOS. THANK YOU!! BACHILLERATO: make sure you have done the writing and reading comprehension exercises in units 6 and 7 (either in the student book or in the workbook)
Dear students, Tomorrow we will be on holiday!! I will give you some advice and resources to review later. Here there are connectors that can help you write This is the task for today: WRITING 3 ESO Use your imagination. Write a text with three paragraphs with this title: "My own, personal and unique invention" You have to write about a device that you have created-it cannot exist in real life. Include this information: Name of the device How it works. What it is made of. What you or other people would do with it. Why you think it is a useful invention. How to take care of the device (use modal verbs) WRITING BACH. 1 Use your imagination. Write a text with four paragraphs with this title: "What my life would be like without a mobile phone, social networking and the Internet in general" Remember to make the text as personal as possible. Look up the necessary words in dictionaries (wordreference is a good one) Avoid goo...
Today, I also want to remind you of something: -Don't forget to get and read the books -there will be a test after easter: ESO 3: The Grey Owl . Burlington books. BACH 1: The Woman in White . Burlington books. Remember you can share the book and take turns to read it. That way, it won't be so expensive. -We need to practise for about 50 minutes every day. We don't know how long this seclusion will last. -Tomorrow, I will give you instructions for Easter-just reviewing. Es muy, muy importante hacer las actividades cada cuál con sus recursos. No debe hacerla tu familia ni debes copiar de otra persona. Se pueden consultar palabras sueltas o pedirme ayuda a mí con lo que sea necesario. Estas actividades son para seguir practicando. Solo tienen sentido si cada cual las hace con su propio esfuerzo. Please, ASK ME WHATEVER YOU NEED TO ASK. As always, I am here to help you.
Dear students, This is the task you will have to do today: 1- A-Watch this BBC video in which two journalists are giving information about Britain and obesity. B-You can also choose this other, more apocalyptic conversation about human extinction. You needn't do the activities on the site, only create a dialogue related to that topic. (This one is longer and more difficult) 2-Create a dialogue-it should sound like a conversation on the radio, too-about that topic or any other topic you choose. Imagine you are two (or just one) reporter informing the audience. 3-Record your creation with your voices. 4-Send me the mp3-if possible, together with the transcript. Have fun!!!
Dear students, This is your task today: -Listen to this dialogue about podcasts and listening habits (if you read the transpript, that will help) -Create a conversation about radio, social networking and other habits related to technology. -Record the conversation with your voice. -Send me the text and then the audio (mp3) per e-mail. Have fun!
GRAMMAR AND LISTENING Dear students, I hope you are fine and can smell the rain from your windows. Today, I suggest that you do some of the activities in ESO 3, since it would be good practice for you-to review reported speech. Only for you: 1-Watch this grammar video Grammar unit 7. Relative clauses. You saw this last year, so it must ring a bell to you. 2-Take this online test and see how much you know about it. 3-Watch this video and answer the following questions: What is Sophie talking about? What did you find remarkable about the islands? What is special about the houses? How has technology changed the place? What is the children's reaction and why?
GRAMMAR AND LISTENING Dear students, enjoy this rainy day!!! Today you will have to do the following tasks: 1-Watch this video . Es gramática nueva (unit 7) Reported speech. "El estilo indirecto". 2-Now, try doing this multiple choice activity. Pay attention to the TENSE CHANGES on top of the page before you start doing the exercise. 3-After that, watch this video and answer these questions: Where is Daisy? what has she just done? Where has Sophie-Daisy's mother-been? What questions did they ask Daisy at the interview? What sort of experience has Daisy had? Why did her mother and brother laugh?
Task for everybody Read this and/or watch this video , up to minute 1: 07. Do not forget to activate the subtitles in English (in configuration) Please, send me a written or recorded personal comment in English. Thank you!!!!
Please, type the exercises and send me the document. DO NOT SEND A PHOTO OF THE ATIVITY. Thank you!!! Dear students, this is your first task of the day: ESO 3 Reading comprehension: Workbook, page 59, exercises 1and 2. BACH. 1 Reading comprehension: Workbook, page 57.
VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES Dear students, These are the first exercises you will have to do today: BACH. 1 Workbook, p 52, exercises 1, 2 and 3 ESO 3 Workbook, p 56, exercises 1, 2 and 3. LISTENING PRACTICE ESO 3 Breakfast dialogue. Do the activities here. BACH 1 Radio stations. Listen to this broadcast and take the test.
I am sorry that the task meant for yesterday wasn't visible. It was visible on the editor but I forgot to check the blog itself. My apologies. Disculpas por el problema visual con el texto de ayer. En el editor se veía perfectamente y no lo comprobé en la pantalla del propio blog. Mil perdones
Please, read the instructions with attention. Dear students. Today, you have to: ESO 3 1-Copy (on a document you can send me) and complete the dialogue on page 52 SPEAKING , workbook. 2- Record the dialogue in mp3. Do your best to imitate a native speaker . 3-Send me an e-mail with both the written document and the mp3. You need and app that can record voice and to have your phone connected to your e-mail in order to share it with me. BACH 1 1-Do the exercise on page 48 SPEAKING (reaching a decision) , workbook. 2- Using all the expressions that appear in the exercise , create your own dialogue about: Whether it is a good idea to do online tests. The pros and cons of living with friends. Reporting cyberbullying when a person you know is involved. 3-R ecord the dialogue in mp3. Do your best to imitate a native speaker . 3-Send me an e-mail with both...
ATTENTION: PLEASE, CLICK ON THE LINKS TWICE -ALL LEVELS Play this game to revise modal verbs!!! Click here to revise conditional sentences !!! -BACHILLERATO You are going to love this game to use the passive voice!! This is a wonderful activity to review reported speech!!
BACH 1 AMERICAN VS BRITISH ENGLISH ONLINE ACTIVITIES Do this quiz and tell me: Which new words have you learnt in American or British English? UNIT 7 VOCABULARY. 1-Read these sentences. Do you understand the words in bold ? If you don't, find out all you can-except the translation, if possible, until their meaning is clear. 2-Write five sentences containing all of them. Being too demanding makes life really tough . Daniela was feeling a bit sick, so Sandra took over and the event carried on. Spain hasn't been the host country for Eurovision lately. I don't remember...where did they broadcast this festival last year? When somebody worships another person, that might be a source of anxiety, because of the high expectations (she or he will find it hard to live up to them) This situation is really weird and the health system is working round the clock to save lives. We cheer them every evening at eight p.m. from our ...
BACH. 1 Do this reading comprehension online and the activities . After that, tell me: What did you find interesting? How has the history of graffiti inspired you? What is your own opinion? ESO 3 Do this reading comprehension online and the activities . After that, tell me: Which of the skills mentioned is one of your strengths? Which one isn't? Why? What do you need to do?
Listening for everybody ( Remember you can activate the english subtitles ) Watch this interesting video , "The cure for boredom", do t he activities on the site and the following tasks: Say, in your own words, what the idea is. What is your opinion? What is your own advice to avoid boredom? Watch this interesting video , "oversharing" and do the activities on the same site and also answer the following questions: What problem are they talking about? Why do these people think this is happening? What are these teenagers asking you to do?
WRITING BACH. 1. Find the inspiration in this letter of complaint to write your own, personal letter on the topic you choose. Write between 8 and 12 lines. -Try to be clear. Avoid serious mistakes ("S" third person singular, no subject...) -Organize your ideas. Use at least three the following expressions (look at the examples): In order to (in went there in order to express my opinion on...) in order to + base form ("para") So that (they called me so that I could tell them about...) so that + subject ("para que") Even though (=although) However, In addition. ESO 3. Write two parapraphs about your favourite gadget. Read the following texts for inspiration and use them as models for your personal text. Do not write about your mobile phone, please!!! Look at these examples: My favourite gadget is a remote control. These little gadgets let us switch on the TV that's 20 feet away or zap ...