Here you have the mistakes that have been made most often when writing:
1-Wrong use of "a":
"a" means "un" or "una" in Spanish: please, do not use the word "a" in English as it meant "a" in Spanish.
This is very serious
Fui a Londres; REMEMBER: I went to London,
Además, no siempre que en castellano se dice "a" hay que poner una preposición en inglés.
Por ejemplo: ver a alguien, matar a alguien: to see someone, to kill someone (no preposition)
2-No subject in the sentence:
If there is a verb, in English (except for the imperative) you need to put a subject. If the sentence is impersonal, then write "it" as the subject.
REMEMBER: It is a good idea,
3-Missing "S" in the third person singular, present simple tense:
REMEMBER: she liveS in Glasgow,
4-Wrong use of possessive adjectives:
Please make sure you remember how to use them. Do not use "your" in all cases. It means "tu...", no "su..."
REMEMBER: she wanted to talk to HER father,
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