Before you watch.
What's the meaning of the underlined words?
Please, don't use my pencil without my consent
Hey, dude, what are you doing?
I messed around with her clothes and she got very angry.
We were having a conversation but it was interrupted and then we picked up where we left off.
Do you like trap? To tell you the truth, I'm not really into it.
Now watch the video and pay attention to the way these expressions are used:
Mess around
We're picking up where we left off
Is she into it now?
No consent, no fairy tale.
After you watch.
1-Discuss in pairs:
What is the main idea in this video?
What is the main idea in this video?
Have you ever felt under pressure to do something you didn't want to do in a relationship?
How did you solve the problem?
How did you solve the problem?
2-Complete the question in three different ways and ask three different partners:
Have you ever been .................................................... without your consent?
Example: have you ever been photographed without your consent?
What did you do?
3-Report the answers.
4- Now complete the first part and pass it on to a classmate for them to finish...(Second conditional)
If somebody .............................................(past) me without my consent I would .................................................................
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